To Blog or Not To Blog - The Shower Shirt

Lisa F. Crites This request has been hovering over me for several years now, to “Blog or Not To Blog?” My public relations team says “Lisa, you should blog,” my speaking engagement agent, my website developer and technology guru have all encouraged me to get involved in the ‘power of blogging.’

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, blogging was the last project on my mind. To communicate to strangers I had been diagnosed with breast cancer, both breasts amputated, had medical complications causing seven surgeries, two-hospital acquired infections, and four months of hyperbaric treatments, (in my opinion) was not of interest to anyone. During that timeframe I was trying to comprehend the fact that my reconstructive surgeon was telling me I would probably only have one breast the rest of my life (a scary thought at 42 years old). While also dealing with this psychological and physically draining process, I was in the process of inventing The SHOWER SHIRT for breast cancer surgery patients.

A whirlwind year of emotional gymnastics, it was the first time I had ever questioned my own mortality. While struggling with what my future held in terms of my health, my physical wholeness as a female, I also experienced a rebuilding of a much more communicative relationship with my creator (something I will explore in future blogs).

In looking back, I’ve yet to deal with being diagnosed with breast cancer. I find myself listening to stories of other breast cancer patients and cry for hours. I believe blogging is now going to be my first step in dealing with a diagnosis I was able to physically overcome more than three years ago, though still not comprehendible emotionally. I’m on the ‘fringe’ of the emotion on a daily basis, while working to build The SHOWER SHIRT Co., and in doing so, working to keep mastectomy patients from showering in trash bags after breast amputation.

To make a long story short, I’ve decided to begin blogging to better share the lessons and knowledge I’ve learned, in hopes my experiences will help other breast cancer patients with their own cancer struggles. Please make sure to both subscribe and share my blog.

Stay Tuned,
Lisa F. Crites

The Shower Shirt Co., Patented/Inventor

Health/Medical Print Journalist & Guest Columnist