The Halfway Mark - The Shower Shirt

Lisa F. Crites  After the unexpected session in the Emergency Department for pre-surgery blood work, all became distinctly calm. The pain and swelling from the hematoma subsided within a week, just in time to check into the hospital for my third surgery to exchange the tissue expander with a permanent breast implant. Scheduled as an outpatient procedure, I was calm, cool and atypically collected.

It was November 2009. I had scheduled three days off from work for  surgery and a short period for convalescing. My understanding was Dr. Z would open the right breast socket, remove the tissue expander, insert the implant, and suture the incision back up.

Luckily, this surgery went off without a hitch. I was in and out of the hospital within four hours including pre-surgery preparation, surgery and recovery time. It was very odd. I was not the least bit anxious going into surgery. I psychologically believed I would undergo this procedure without any complications, thus, be halfway completed with the entire process. With that, I’ve always favored the halfway mark.  For me, halfway means nearing completion. Whether I’m halfway finished cleaning my home, halfway completed with Christmas shopping or even halfway through taking a survey. Another reason I’ve always loved Wednesdays, to be halfway through the work week. Of course Wednesday Happy Hour specials aren’t bad either :).

As you can see, this blog is quite short compared to my previous blogs. Its actually been comforting to write a blog where I have no recollection of drama, no yelling at Dr. Z, no depression, fear, or even anxiety. An unfamiliar, but inviting concept in the evolution of my breast cancer/mastectomy saga. Since being diagnosed with breast cancer five months before, this chapter of my story is the first, in a long series, where the events actually happened as planned; no unexpected emotional breakdowns, infections, haphazard surgeries or Xanax needed.

I was happy to be halfway through my surgeries to become physically whole again, a good feeling and for the first time in several months, I felt extremely positive!

Now, with no surgeries planned for another few months, back to my day job and the Shower Shirt project.


Stay Tuned,

Lisa F. Crites

The Shower Shirt Co., Founder/Inventor

Health/Medical Print Journalist & Guest Columnist