No More FEAR (False Emotions Appearing Real) - The Shower Shirt

Lisa F. CritesI finally was out of bed long enough to begin writing my story. I cried as my recollection of everything was much larger in memory than when I was actually going through the trauma. The psychological pain of the entire process seemed more severe, the surgeries more painful, and the infections more nauseating.  Though in contrast, my friends and family seemed more thoughtful, and my significant other more caring. 

I’m not sure if I was overly dramatic in writing the story to prepare for my inventor speaking engagement, or if I was under dramatic in trying to get through it at the time. I’ve heard many say God puts a cloud over our subconscious to better deal with traumas of life. Maybe that’s what had happened because the memory of my events seemed far worse than my feelings toward them at the time.

It took me several weeks to capitalize on the past two years of my life. But I did it!!! It was so entirely cathartic, both writing about it along with actually presenting on it. My experience at the event was phenomenal. The members of the ZONTA Club were class acts. They hosted a beautiful event with more than 350 guests who were incredibly gracious toward me. I will always remember that experience and the wonderful individuals I met that weekend. More importantly, I am blessed and grateful I was asked to speak at the event in the first place. This initial engagement has led to many speaking engagement opportunities for breast cancer inspirational presentations as well as entrepreneurial research discussions. 

Lisa - Defiance    Speaking Engagement hosted by the ZONTA Club in Defiance, OH

Immediately after returning from Ohio for the keynote Breast Cancer luncheon, Ivanhoe Broadcast News, a television production company in Orlando producing national broadcast features produced a segment on me titled ‘Smart Woman’ – A Female Inventors Feature which aired in more than 80 television markets across the country. How cool was this? I grew up in a household where women weren’t supposed to be smart, only the men. Irony is amazingly sweet!!!

Ivanhoe TV image

Stay Tuned,

Lisa F. Crites
The Shower Shirt Co., Founder/Inventor
Health/Medical Print Journalist & Guest Columnist