With our many Blogs over the past year, we’ve been very clear about our trials and tribulations related to bringing The SHOWER SHIRT product to market, strategizing to keep it on the market, while also fighting with the bureaucrats in Washington DC. We’ve...
By spring of 2014, The SHOWER SHIRT Co. was out of debt. We were able to pay off the entire 2,000 units of product inventory (remember, our manufacturer unexpectedly increased our minimum order from 675 to 2,000), and legal fees for attaining our patent. We knew from...
In January 2012, I received a second letter from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) stating my re-application for Medicare coverage had been denied, and The SHOWER SHIRT™ product was still deemed a ‘convenience’ item for breast cancer patients,...
As General Douglas MacArthur said, “The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It’s the age-old struggle: the roar of the crowd on one side, and the voice of your conscience on the other.” Not sure exactly why I love this quote except the world is...
A close friend, Susan Jenks, often states, “All is relative.” Whether in relation to age, education, finances, career success, political and/or religious beliefs, it seems I hear her make that statement every other week. Susan and I have been friends for more than 15...
As I’ve said on many occasions, one should not get to comfortable in any situation (or job) for too long. Christmas 2010 and the New Year rolled around quickly and all seemed to be going well. Additionally, SHOWER SHIRT™ television, print articles and inventor...