Dialysis Archives - The Shower Shirt

United States Congressmen & Senators

In January 2012, I received a second letter from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) stating my re-application for Medicare coverage had been denied, and The SHOWER SHIRT™ product was still deemed a ‘convenience’ item for breast cancer patients,...

All Is Relative

A close friend, Susan Jenks, often states, “All is relative.” Whether in relation to age, education, finances, career success, political and/or religious beliefs, it seems I hear her make that statement every other week. Susan and I have been friends for more than 15...

The Unexpected Lay-Off

As I’ve said on many occasions, one should not get to comfortable in any situation (or job) for too long. Christmas 2010 and the New Year rolled around quickly and all seemed to be going well. Additionally, SHOWER SHIRT™ television, print articles and inventor...

The Final Prototype & My Unspoken Faith

 I tested the new Shower Shirt prototype multiple times and it worked tremendously. After five variations, our final design was complete and ready to be introduced to the mastectomy garment market. That is, once we were able to obtain either a category determination...

‘Last Resort’ Concerns & Daily Hyperbaric Treatments

  After a couple of weeks of morning and evening visits with my home health nurse, she felt comfortable enough to let Phil and I administer the Vancomyacin into my PICC line each evening. With only a week left before the line was scheduled to be removed, I was feeling...

Securing a Manufacturer & Preparing for Surgery #3

    With my new friend, Mike, by my side (otherwise known as my Chinese liaison), we were in communication with the manufacturers.  With a few phone calls back and forth, the group ultimately stated they could recreate and manufacture the Shower Shirt product....